Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Do you think Atty Berg is going to get any traction out of this letter to congress re: Obama?

Berg is %26039;outraged%26039; at Congress as they failed the citizens of the United States by %26039;not%26039; challenging Obama during the Electoral Vote on January 8, 2009 and Demands that Congressional Hearings be held regarding the %26039;qualifications%26039; of Obama as we are headed for a %26039;Constitutional Crisis%26039; by having an %26039;ineligible%26039; President

LAFAYETTE HILL, PA -- Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator Obama%26039;s lack of %26quot;qualifications%26quot; to serve as President of the United States and his case, Berg vs. Obama, in the U.S. Supreme Court is still pending regarding an Application for an Injunction, announced today that he wrote a letter to %26039;each%26039; Member of Congress requesting they call for Congressional Hearings regarding Obama%26039;s lack of qualifications for President due to their failure to question Obama during the Joint Session of Congress for the counting of the Electoral Votes. [A copy of the letter to Congress is at the end of this Release]

Berg said, %26quot;I am disappointed for the 300+ million U.S. citizens, our %26039;Forefathers%26039; and for the tens of thousands that have died defending %26039;our%26039; Constitution regarding the recent denial by the U.S. Supreme Court.

I am committed to keeping our efforts going to continue litigation until the truth of Obama being %26039;not qualified%26039; for President comes out. The Obama candidacy is the biggest %26039;HOAX%26039; ever put forth to the citizens of the United States in 230 years.

In addition to the current case in the U.S. Supreme Court, we have or will have:

A case filed two [2] months ago captioned Berg vs. Obama, said case %26039;under seal%26039; so I cannot comment further;

The case of Hollister vs. Barry Soetoro a/k/a Barack Hussein Obama, filed 12/31/08 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, Civil Action No. 08-02254; said case being an %26039;Interpleader%26039; case with the Plaintiff, a retired Colonel from the U.S. Air Force, who is questioning whether to obey or disobey an order if Obama recalls him, based upon whether or not Obama is a %26039;qualified%26039; President;

The case that was denied in the U.S. Supreme Court is still pending in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in the case of Berg vs. Obama, with our Brief due by January 20, 2009; and

If Obama is sworn in as President, we will file a Petition for Writ of %26039;Quo Warranto,%26039; a case that will challenge Obama as being ineligible to serve as President because he is %26039;not qualified.%26039;

Berg states %26039;if Soetoro a/k/a Obama is sworn in%26039; because Obama knows he is %26039;not qualified%26039; and he should hold a Press Conference and Obama should state that I, as a black American, received more votes than anyone else on November 4, 2008 for President and on January 8, 2009 the Joint Session of Congress counted the Electoral College votes and announced that I am President-elect, but because of things in my background, I cannot be sworn in as President. However, Obama is not man enough to state the above!

More and more people are aware of the fact that Obama does not meet the constitutional %26039;qualifications%26039; for President. When the truth finally comes out, individuals including Barack Hussein Obama, Michelle Obama, Howard Dean [Chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC)], other top officials of the DNC, senior campaign staff and some of his new administration should be brought into the criminal justice system, indicted and tried with incarceration for those convicted.

Berg continued, %26quot;Obama is setting himself up to be blackmailed and perhaps he is already being blackmailed. He was the candidate for %26039;change,%26039; but look at his cabinet ιΆ… 70% from President Clinton%26039;s days and how about his Secretary of Defense, Gates. Give me a break!

There is nothing more important than %26039;our%26039; U.S. Constitution and we will fight on!%26quot;

Accordingly, I wrote the Members of Congress requesting immediate hearings. The letter I sent follows:

555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12

Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531

January 15, 2009

Dear Member of Congress:

It is your duty, as a duly elected representative of the American people; to regain the respect you have lost by your inaction in not vetting Soetoro a/k/a Obama, by calling for a Congressional Hearing ASAP to determine the truth regarding qualifications of Barry Soetoro, otherwise known as Barack Hussein Obama, to be President of the United States.

My, my, you and the other Members of Congress just showed your true character, that being, no guts, no backbone and only interested in getting re-elected.

I refer to each of you in your lack of action regarding the now President-elect Soetoro/Obama.

As you must be aware, there are many unresolved questions concerning Soetoro/Obama%26039;s status or lack thereof, as a %26039;natural born%26039; American citizen, as required by %26039;our%26039; U.S. Constitution.

On January 8, 2009, you failed your constituencies, your voters, the citizens in your district, as well as all citizens in our nation. Yes, you failed all of uDo you think Atty Berg is going to get any traction out of this letter to congress re: Obama?
Berg%26039;s arguments hit a dead end in the Supreme Court. It will stay that way.Do you think Atty Berg is going to get any traction out of this letter to congress re: Obama?
NO!Do you think Atty Berg is going to get any traction out of this letter to congress re: Obama?
At least someone is trying to vet Obama - nobody else has.Do you think Atty Berg is going to get any traction out of this letter to congress re: Obama?
Berg has no standing to sue. It will be thrown out, just like the other ones were.

Are you aware that when you put quotes around a word, it means the opposite? So %26quot;hoax%26quot; means it is not a hoax, %26quot;outraged%26quot; means he is not upset, and %26quot;qualifications%26quot; means that there are no qualifications for the job. So when you copy and paste a big screed like this, you might want to edit the punctuation to fix it.Do you think Atty Berg is going to get any traction out of this letter to congress re: Obama?
Ha, ha, ha. Are you still on THAT???

You must really love Biden if you spend that much time trying to get Obama thrown out of the Presidency against the will of the people who elected him.

Even IF Obama was born in Kenya, it would only be because of bad timing by his mother who was an American citizen.

The whole lawsuit is so ridiculous that the fact that a grown man who graduated law school is even pursuing it only proves that he is insane.

Some times I think you people are simply hopeless.Do you think Atty Berg is going to get any traction out of this letter to congress re: Obama?
This Congress lacks the integrity to ever examine this case.

His best course of action would be to find the original Kenyan birth certificate, the presiding Kenyan doctor, and obama%26039;s family members present at the birth in Nairobi and produce the evidence to the American people to examine.

If they are properly educated in the facts of the case then the honorable ones will demand justice.Do you think Atty Berg is going to get any traction out of this letter to congress re: Obama?
This letter will not work.

We may have a Constitutional crisis soon. the problem with this is that no one is responsible to check out the citizenship of an individual elected to the Presidency. The Federal Election Commission is not charged with this responsibility. It sought relief from Berg%26039;s suit because they are not responsible, and the judge let them off.

In my view, the fact that Obama did have an Indonesian passport tell me that he is not a native-born US citizen, and is therefore ineligible to be the President of the United States under the Constitutional requirements.


DanDo you think Atty Berg is going to get any traction out of this letter to congress re: Obama?
Berg is just a silly old nuisance. He and Nader should go off and have a cluster f*ck somewhere and leave the sane world alone.Do you think Atty Berg is going to get any traction out of this letter to congress re: Obama?
This isn%26039;t going anywhere. If our politicians couldn%26039;t muster the courage to face this issue before the election, they%26039;ll never summon the courage to face it now! The Supreme Court won%26039;t face it either, not after the debacle of 2000. So whether this case has any merit or not is totally moot now.
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