about 5 months ago I broke up with someone that I had a very intimate relationship with. He was truly a person that I dearly LOVED with all my beings. The reason we broke was though due to his very restrictive and controlling behavior. He himself had just gotten out of a hands of a controlling girlfriend before he met me, and I think that had alot to do with how he was really verbally abusive and controlling towards me. Anyways, things got really ugly with fighting over nothing and him being jealous and controlling to a point that I didnt felt like he approved of me spending time with ANY one else (including my family) but him. He would yell at me for no reason, and would call it 'caring' or love. All in all though I know he loved me. He is a good human being, and even after we broke up he admitted to alot of the wrong doings that he did to me. He is a generous person, in a sense that he helped out others alot , and I loved the fact that he was driven for his life goal. I am saying these so that I would mention why I loved him in first place. Now....its been 5 months, our relationship is over, and I miss him alot, and what hurts the most is the fact that I know we will never get back together. All I want to ask is ... is there men out there, that will generously love you and accept you without wanting to change you in a 180 degrees of nature (i.e. change everything about u). I know and I am aware that in a relationship people have to compromise to each other. I did sacrifice to much in my last relationship though, to a point that I had started to hate myself. However the guys I have met so far are ones who either dont want to commit, second of all want to control. We were together for almost a year (10 months to be exact). I am currently graduating from university (last semester) and have to face a very heavy load of school work in a very near future since school just started (taking 16 credits in fall). I am so worried that I would have alot of problems concentrating at school due to this. The stress of graduating is harsh enough. I am graduating in joint major of Sociology and Communication and am very fearful with finding a job and building my future..my break up just makes everything seem alot harder...!Please any comment will help me! What would you do? break up advice needed ?
Yes, there are amazing men out there. Sophisticated ones, ones that will control themselves and be so thoughtful that it will make you flustered. There's many fish in the sea, this guy corrected himself, he could be a good friend and even an ally in the dating realm but guys have the habit of admitting they're wrong forever after the relationships, you need to find a guy that will correct themselves on their own. Don't mistake a two faced guy as a guy who has changed because guys will say whatever they want to smooth out a situation but a real man will keep to the same story five months later.Please any comment will help me! What would you do? break up advice needed ?
You just need to take a break and concentrate on your future.
Take care of you from the inside.
We tend to attract people by how we feel about ourselves.
He did not love you if he was controlling you.Sorry
You need to love you and the rest will fall into place.
Read thisPlease any comment will help me! What would you do? break up advice needed ?
Well to be honest with you honey, I think that the break up came just at the right time...You don't need to let that relationship get in the way of your career training...stay focused on what is truly important in your life right now...Let things be for now and get your schooling behind you...You sound like a very intelligent young lady and your head is on straight...People come in and out of our lives...this guy touched your life in a special way but then smothered the love...I hate to say this but it sounds like if you had continued in this relationship you would be verbally abused and you would have never been able to complete your studies...Thank God that you can prioritize your life and recognize the potentially dangerous relationship.....You will always remember his good traits and how he touched your life but only time can heal a broken relationship...Move on with your life and God will send you someone at the right time to fill that void...Good Luck and God Bless you in your career....HHPlease any comment will help me! What would you do? break up advice needed ?
from a guys point of view... tell him yur moving. its a killer yes but a gud and fast 1 at that.
or, tell him that what u expected and first seen in this relation ship is'nt what u c in it any more.
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